(A Sampling of) (Shorter) (English-Language) Poems (from the English Renaissance to American Modernism)

Wednesday, January 5, 2010
1. An Introduction to Sonnets by William Shakespeare (England in the1590s)
Click here for Dr. Fike's notes for ENGL 203 at Winthrop University

2. Read and (as a class) analyze Sonnet 130.

Paraphrase the poem's content. Put it in your own words. Get the gist without missing the twists.
What else do you notice and how is it significant?
* Think about TPCAST+Theme; c (connotation), a (attitude/tone), s (shift), & theme are especially relevant here. 
* Think about SOAPSTone + Theme; s (speaker), o (occasion/situation: especially what we know about the speaker and the "dark lady" from other sonnets in the sequence), p (purpose), tone & theme are especially relevant, I think. 
* Think about Say-Play-Imply: what does the poem literally say? How does Shakespeare play with language? What is implying about conventional love poems and the nature of true love?) 

Thursday, January 6 (The Epiphany), 2010
* Read and analyze "Dim Lady" by Harryette Mullen
* Read, analyze, and discuss more of Shakespeare's Sonnets: 12, 18, 42, 73, 116, [130], 134, 138, 143, 144, 152.

Friday, January 7, 2010
* Some "Metaphysical Poets" J. Donne (Holy Sonnet 10 "Death Be Not Proud" and "The Flea"), G. Herbert ("Virtue" and "Easter Wings"), A. Marvell ("To His Coy Mistress")

Monday, January 10, 2010
* William Blake ("London," "The Sick Rose," "Ah! Sunflower")
* "Sunflower Sutra" by Allen Ginsberg

Tuesday, January 11, 2010
* English Romantic Poets P Shelley ("Oxymandias" and "Sonnet: England 1819"), J Keats ("Bright star..."), [W Wordsworth ("The World is too much with us")]

Wednesday, January 12, 2010
* Walt Whitman ("A Noiseless Patient Spider" & "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer") & Emily Dickinson ("Much madness is divinest sense," "The soul selects her own society," and "I dwell in possibility")
* "A Supermarket in California" and "Kaddish, Part I" by Allen Ginsberg

Thursday, January 13, 2010
* Gerard Manley Hopkins ("Pied Beauty," "God's Grandeur," "The Windhover," "As kingfishers catch fire...")

Friday, January 14, 2010
* e.e. cummings, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Ted Berrigan