Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Post a Comment...

I want to make sure you can successfully use the comment box before the summer is upon us.

O.K. now we may continue.
Follow these steps:

1. Click on "comments" below.

2. Do the following "getting to know you/getting to know all about you" activities:
Grab the book that is nearest to where you are now. Turn to page 47. Type out the seventh sentence on the page.*
What is the last web search you conducted that wasn't for school?*
Who is your favorite artist? I mean your favorite in any of the arts: writing (novels, songs, poems, plays), painting, sculpture, acting, singing, playing an instrument, etc. etc.*
Do you like Moxie?*

(Note: It is often wise to compose your comments in a word processing file before copying them into the comment box--in case something goes wrong when posting.)

3. Click on "Comment as" & choose "Google Account"

4. If you have a Google Account sign in. If you do not have a Google Account click on "Create an Account Now" and follow the directions.

(Note: Ideally your "display name" should be your first name and last initial. If this is not your display name then your posts should begin with your first name and last initial, for example JamesC.)

5. After signing in you may be asked to do a "word verification"; then post your comments.

If you have difficulties come see me in room 2207 or send me an email at or